Let me Reveal to You my beauty Secrets. I believe You will find them very helpful.

Exfoliate until your ass is red. Don’t be shy. Just scrub your ass off.

Stripping is hard work. Regardless of what movies like Showgirls and Flashdance would have us believe, it’s not all roses and getting swept off one’s feet by a rich businessman.

It’s exhausting, both physically and mentally. I’ve had to take some breaks to do other things just to recharge.

Much of the blood, sweat and tears of exotic dancing goes into the backstage beauty routine.

I am convinced that women all over the world should drop their Vogue and Allure subscriptions and turn to strip-club dressing rooms for beauty tips. If you have a question about makeup application, hair removal or product selection, chances are very good us Strippers have the answer.


I have very sensitive skin, so I can only use natural products. Heavy makeup really takes its toll, especially if it’s full of chemicals. You can break out and it irritates your eyes. I’m all about the natural stuff.

I don’t style it much or use a lot of sprays or anything and men really seem to like that. I get the ‘you look like a mermaid’ comment a lot.

If you are allergic to perfume, you should count on coconut shampoo and rose soap to do the trick.

I bath with rich creamy orange scented shower gel. Then spray proper expensive perfume behind each ear, elbow, knee and on wrists. There are some girls i know who pour on the perfume or bathe in cheap, Fruit Loop-scented body spray, but my customers say they like how fresh I am. They’re glad I don’t smell like a lollipop.

I learned the oil thing from watching a soft core porno when I was 17. Two girls were in a bathtub and they were shaving each other and they used baby oil, I think. But I’m a hippie so I use coconut oil and it’s wonderful. No red bumps.

I likes to take an Epsom salts bath on work days to keep my  skin supple. I shave my upper thighs against the grain (bikini line with the grain, upper thigh against) and apply my favorite perfume, Jean Paul Gaultter ‘Classique’. If it’s going to be a busy night, i add extensions for extra flare.

Sometimes it’s fun to have super long hair. At first I was really timid about the extensions. I’d hold my head all stiff and was worried when I was on the pole they’d get caught in my armpit and rip out, but now I know they’re not that delicate and I have fun with them.

Prior to hitting the stage i use bronzer to accentuate my cheekbones and highlighter to freshen up my eyes. I get my nails done about once a week and sometimes do false eyelashes, okay only for photoshoots.

You lose two to three lashes every time you wear them, and they take months to grow back.

I am not against a little glitter, however. The whole ‘guys don’t like strippers who wear glitter’ thing is a myth. Dudes get their beer goggles on and suddenly they’re raccoons. They’re like, ‘Oooh, something shiny!’

I turn to Google for eye make up ideas and the do’s and don’ts . I have tutorials on everything, eye shadow, liner, mascara. I’ve really stepped up my eye makeup game thanks to Google.

I also credit my clean diet—i do not eat bread, butter or suger—with helping me get into the best shape of my life. And i don’t have to worry about reapplying deodorant between sets. That’s another bonus of eating clean: You can pretty much eliminate your body odor. It’s a miracle, really.

I believe in cream. It is my number one beauty must do, but with my friend Sasha another challenge comes from her strict no-lotion policy. Lotion is banned since it can make the pole a dangerous place my friend said. She found this out the hard way a few years ago when she slipped and injured her shoulder.

“You get used to having dry skin,” Sasha says. “We have a joke here, that we’re all alligators, not just because our skin can get dry but because we have callouses in weird places from the pole, like the insides of our thighs, behind our armpits, down our sides.”

I asked her if she ever consider buffing them off? “No way,” she says. “They’re necessary. They’re defense.”

Both Sasha and I get our exercise at the pole. It’s also where we’ve learned to love our bodies. Getting naked in front of strangers in an intimate setting like this has made me more comfortable with myself. I didn’t use to have very high self-esteem. I was really socially anxious, and I felt bad after having my son because I didn’t have porn-star teardrop tits anymore, but now I know, men don’t care. They just like boobs. They just want to look at them.

For Beginners

To get your plastic stripper shoes to fit, use a hair dryer to heat up the material. It will then mold to your foot. And always wear shoes with straps. Every dancer has a story of hitting a customer in the face with her strapless shoe. If you are having trouble pulling on stubborn, tight shoes, a little baby powder will help.

Speaking of baby stuff, baby wipes help keep you smelling nice between sets. If your private arena is on the sensitive side, wipes PH-balanced for women are also available.

Shave with oil rather than foam it will be less prone to angry red bumps. And if you missed the notice from Seventeen magazine as a tween, shave your legs against the grain but your bikini line with it.

Keep your skin supple with Epsom salts baths. Cream can make the pole slippery, oil is even worse but if you use Dawn or Lux your good to go. You can apply roll on or hairspray to the palms of your hands to help with sweety palms before going on stage. It gives good grip. Consider a little glitter, no matter the stigma against it. Remember, you are not primping for a middle-school dance.

You might think stripping while on your period would be a no-no, but men are like bears. And sharks. They might not know it, but they love the smell of blood. And ovulation. Dancers take home a lot of tips during their time of the month.

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