

Read my blog with an open mind and it will alter Your perception on Strippers. This is my story it’s been a long time coming….

The huge array of stupid questions I would constantly be asked on a nightly basis. “Would you go out with me? Can I have your number? Do you do ‘things’ outside the club?” Us girls could get asked these types of questions all the time. Guys can’t be that desperate! Boy, was I sorely mistaken. You will get asked the strangest questions of your life, I am serious.

The key is to stand your ground and never falter. If you don’t want to give your number out to people, DON’T (and don’t feel bad for saying “no.”) If you want to build a clientele list but don’t want to give out your personal number, download an app that gives you a free texting number. I have an Android phone and I use the Pinger Text Free app. Highly recommended. I never date customers. Ever. There are so many problems with this and some girls may disagree with me here but seriously, to avoid drama and future problems, just don’t do it. Keep a customer as a CUSTOMER and make sure they know that if they start asking you out.
Make it a point to tell them that dancing is your job and it’s not your intention to meet men at your place of business. I always joke and tell guys I would never date someone who has seen me half naked before knowing my favorite color and what I went to school for. If a customer ever asks you if you’re dating someone or married and you are, tell them “yes.” Sooooo many girls lie about this thinking it will affect their money but here’s the honest to God truth; if that customer stops tipping you because you’re involved in a relationship, they’re seriously not worth it (and neither is their money).
If you lie about it and lead them on, they will definitely come on to you because they are looking for single girls. This lie is going to keep growing until they eventually find out the truth (from you or another co-worker) or you end up cheating on your loved one. This isn’t worth it and it destroys lives & families! The majority of the men that come into strip clubs are there for the show and the company, not to date you. Sure, a lot of guys will ask and joke around about it but I know for a fact that well over half of them will still tip you even if they know you’re involved with someone.
You also have every right to tell them you’d rather not discuss your personal life at work. Overall message here: if a customer stops tipping or won’t tip you because you’re in a relationship or refuse to reveal secrets of your personal life with them, they are not worth it in the long haul. This is *INCREDIBLY* difficult for girls to see (especially new girls) but please trust me on this one. Experience has taught me well.
Never, ever agree to activities outside of the club. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the money & compliments & “new girl stripper fame” when you first start, especially when guys promise you things. Trust me when I say they have used that line before… many, many times… probably on other girls you work with, too! You are worth more than any amount they are offering you and if you ever do meet someone outside the club, don’t ever go alone and be sure to tell a million people where you’re going. But I wouldn’t recommend this. Period.
Stay a stripper at your club. When you walk out those doors at night, let your stripper persona stay there until the next night you return. “Amber” gets shut in every night I leave; locked in with the costumes, shoes and everything else that makes her who she is, sleeping in the darkness, awaiting my return the following shift.
Some girls go on lunch dates with customers, go shopping, or even go on elaborate trips with them. I have met customers of mine before for lunch and one took me shopping once. But I need to stress two important things: 1) I ALWAYS had someone with me and 2) I made it very clear that I was not doing anything illegal in exchange for money. Both times I did this it was with two customers whom I had known for years. Literally… three years. I would never ever randomly meet someone I had just met the night before.
Building rapport is important with me. I wish more ladies I worked with would stay classy. When I say that, I mean this: truly classy strippers are rare these days and that really upsets me. I will defend this profession until the day I die but the raunchy girls constantly giving the rest of us a bad name are the ones I can do without. Remember you’re a lady as well as a F- A-N-T-A-S-Y to the men you meet.
Keep the work at work and your personal life separate. Never throw away your morals for money, ever! I don’t care how much they’re offering you; you’re better than that! Mind your manners, treat people with respect and always, ALWAYS act professionally. I have seen this profession poison many girls.
I’ve seen bright-eyed college students start dancing to pay for school only to drop out later on due to newly found drug addictions. I’ve seen single moms come audition to help support their children only to end up prostituting and letting sleazy guys fondle them in the back for a buck. I’ve seen seemingly innocent young women decide to give this job a try only to end up raging, sloppy alcoholics who end up gaining a large amount of weight because of it.
Psyches get broken down, bodies get worn to bits. Stripping is an incredibly hard job, physically and emotionally & it’s sad that it can get under your skin in such a negative way. If you become a stripper, set your goals and follow through with them; the benefits you’ll reap are indescribable.
You can make a small fortune if you are smart and business savvy. Do your research and set your boundaries. Never give in to peer pressure. Know who you ARE and what you WANT . Girls — be strong, stay ladies, stay classy. It will be worth it in the end, I promise you that.
Amber xxx